There's four or five lionesses that are all waiting over here since his brain on daddy fear is one of the greatest weapons of the many ways I think of him as I do not. We had a chance many years ago to to be in Africa and I do know that much about lions but the way they hunt is the one you can hear you there you here were like to 3 miles and dislikes scary so you know, and he walks will guess what, guess what all all all the game goes the other direction and my big daddies roaring over here. All I want to know is that what we really need to understand that this enemy is formidable and powerful and deceitful and can trick us in full us and and and creating a roaring lion. Your adversary the devil prowls about like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour place for keeps. First Peter 58 be of sober spirit, be on the alert. Notice what Peter says in the midst of persecution. Satan is powerful regional learning just a minute that he was the highest of all the angels classification of cherub will learn that he was the most brilliant and most beautiful, most powerful, and it was actually given to govern the earth is the Prince and the power of the air is heaven over and so you don't want to take it lightly. Not only is there an invisible world not only orient invisible battle and cosmic conflict, but our foe is formidable and his goal is to destroy us and discredit the cause of Christ. There are some specific tools tries to suck your thoughts torture bill for part two of this message of Ephesians chapter 6 what is the invisible war. Satan is and how we operate.Īs you learn.

The invisible war for giving us some insight. God wants you know that answer so you can deal with them effectively stay with thanks for joining us for this Edition of Living on the Edge shipping Living on the Edge features the Bible teaching of the steely discipleship program continues a series.

What is he like what does he do and what power does he have if you don't know the answer that question, you better stick around. What comes to mind is it a myth that a man little red suit is that some of us are weird forcible power is Satan.